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Production of semen

Semen is produced in the following way:

  • The testicles produce millions of sperm cells.
  • The sperm cells ripen and are stored in the epididymides.
  • When a man has an ejaculation, the sperm cells are pushed through the sperm ducts.
  • The sperm cells are transported to the prostate and seminal vesicles. Fluid is added to the sperm cells. Together the fluid and the sperm cells make up the semen.
  • The semen is pushed out of the penis through the urethra.

Man standing. The focus is on the erect penis.

Penis seen from the inside: 1. testicles, 2. epididymides, 3. sperm ducts, 4. prostate, 5. seminal vesicles, 6. urethra

When is a man fertile?

A man produces semen for the first time during puberty. In general, a boy becomes fertile between the ages of 12 and 15. He can then have children. Even if he is having sexual intercourse for the first time.

A man produces sperm cells his entire life. He can often have children his entire life.

How can a man make a woman pregnant?

A woman can only get pregnant if sperm cells enter the woman’s uterus via her vagina during her fertile days.

Before he ejaculates, a man may already lose a bit of fluid that might contain sperm cells. Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation is not a safe method of contraception. A man can put a condom on his penis to collect the sperm. This will prevent the semen from going into the uterus of the woman.

A man who has undergone sterilisation produces semen without sperm cells. The semen will look the same. It will not influence his erection or his ability to have sexual intercourse.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.