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Transgender means that a person’s sex does not correspond to how they feel or behave.

Transgender is also called gender diversity. There are various forms of transgender:

  • Some people combine characteristics of men and women. They identify themselves as a man and woman or neither of these.
  • Some transgender people sometimes identify themselves as a man and sometimes as a woman.
  • Others behave and dress like the other sex.
  • Lastly, there are also people who want to change sex. A transgender person can change sex through surgery and hormones, if he or she wishes. Transgender people can choose whether or not they want to have treatment and how far they want to go with their treatment.

A transgender person does not have a problem or a disease.

In the Netherlands, discrimination against transgender people is forbidden by law. It is forbidden by law to treat people differently and to exclude or place restrictions on them because of their gender identity.

Discovering that you are transgender

Most people find it very confusing when they think they are transgender. Give yourself time. Talk to people you trust, or seek professional help and support.

Some people think that they are mad, others are unsure about who they are or are very unhappy with their body.

If you have difficulties with your thoughts and feelings you can talk about them with a specialised healthcare professional.

Telling others that you are transgender

There is no right or wrong way to tell someone that you are transgender. Think about how and when you want to tell people, the reactions you expect and how you see the future.

You do not have to tell everyone immediately. For instance, you can first tell a healthcare professional or another transgender person. You can then tell your best friends, parents and family for instance, and then other people.

Next, you might also change your appearance or name. Some people find it very difficult to change the way they see you.


Many transgender people do not like their body. This means that they find sexuality a difficult subject. This may change after treatment with hormones or an operation. Transgender people will then usually be more satisfied with their body.

Hormones have a great impact on sexual desire. Some people have a higher sexual desire and others have a lower one. Male hormones usually increase sexual desire and female hormones reduce desire. An operation may increase sexual desire again.

Protection against STIs and HIV

STIs are infections that are transmitted through sexual contact with someone who has an STI. You can reduce the risk of infection.

Trans men (people assigned female at birth but who have a male gender identity):

  • Use a condom during vaginal sex and anal sex. There are condoms in all sizes. You can also use a dental dam instead of a condom.
  • If you still have a vaginal opening, you can also use a female condom.
  • You should also use a water-based or silicone-based (no oil) lubricant during anal sex. This prevents the condom from tearing.

Trans women (people assigned male at birth but who have a female gender identity):

  • Use a condom during vaginal sex and anal sex. You can also use a female condom during vaginal sex.
  • Always use a lubricant, even during vaginal sex. This prevents the condom from tearing.
  • Take care with anal sex because the skin of the perineum is thin.

You are also protected against STIs if you and your regular partner both test negatively for STIs and do not have sexual intercourse with other people.


Female condom

Dental dam

Water-based lubricant

Desire to have children

Hormones or a sex change operation may cause infertility. If you wish to to have children, you can choose sperm cell treatment or have your egg cells frozen. Discuss this with a healthcare professional.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.