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Vaginal hygiene

Wash your vulva every day.

A vagina has a natural acidity level. It protects the vagina against infections. Therefore it is important not to disturb the acidity level in your vagina.

  • Wash your vagina with water, moving from the front to the back.
  • Do not use perfumed soap. Use neutral soap that does not cause irritation. It is best to not use any soap at all.
  • Wash your anus from the front to the back, away from your vagina.

Woman washing her vagina from front to back. She does not use soap.

During the menstruation change tampons or sanitary towels regularly.

Some women shave their pubic hair. This can be done if you think it looks more attractive, but it is not necessary for good hygiene.

If you take good care of your vagina, you run less risk of getting a vaginal infection.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.