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Circumcision is a small operation to entirely or partly remove the foreskin from the penis.

After circumcision, the skin of the glans becomes a bit thicker. Sometimes the glans becomes a bit darker in colour.

Man standing. The focus is on the visible sexual organs.

Man holding his foreskin between his fingers.

Penis with foreskin: not circumcised

Penis without foreskin: circumcised

Reasons for circumcision

Circumcision can be done for several reasons:

  • The foreskin is too tight and cannot be pulled back. Urinating, erection or having sexual intercourse are often painful;
  • for religious reasons;
  • for hygiene;
  • in some African countries circumcision is used as protection against HIV. In Europe, circumcision is not recommended as protection against HIV.

Some women are also cut. Because this is harmful to women, it is called female genital mutilation.


Male circumcision carries a risk of medical problems. Bleeding, infections and urethral stricture occur regularly. Medical organisations understand that parents from certain cultures and religions circumcise their sons. However, they advise against it because of possible health consequences.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.