Seeing a midwife or gynaecologist during pregnancy
If you are pregnant, you can make an appointment with a midwife in your area. The midwife will confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound. If needed they will refer you to a gynaecologist.
The midwife or gynaecologist will monitor you and the foetus during your entire pregnancy.
Make an appointment with a midwife or gyanecologist to confirm your pregnancy.
Regular check-ups
At the first check-up, the midwife or gynaecologist will:
- Ask questions about you, your partner, your family, previous pregnancies and the date of your last menstruation to find out more about your pregnancy.
- Check your weight and blood pressure;
- Inform you about extra tests you can have to check whether the baby has chromosomal abnormality (NIPT – blood will be withdrawn from your arm and researched) or other physical abnormalities (SEO – an ultrasound). The parents choose whether they want these tests or not. If you want, a midwife can also do an ultrasound to determine how long you have been pregnant.
During later check-ups, the midwife or gynaecologist will:
- Ask how you are doing and answer your questions
- Check your weight and blood pressure
- Check the growth of the baby and listen to its heartbeat
- Provide information about the pregnancy and delivery
In the last months of pregnancy, the position of your child in the womb will be checked.
The midwife or gynaecologist carries out at least an ultrasound scan during pregnancy.
The midwife listens regularly to the heartbeat of the baby
Contact your midwife or gynaecologist
There situations in which you need to contact your midwife or gynaecologist (immediately), namely if:
- you fall on your belly;
- you feel a heavy pain in your belly;
- you have a persistent fever;
- you lose blood through your vagina;
- you lose a lot of weight;
- you lose amniotic fluid;
- have a lot of vaginal discharge with a nasty smell;
- you cannot clearly feel the baby moving after 26 weeks;
- you have regular contractions.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you fall on your belly.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you feel a heavy pain in your belly.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you have a persistent fever.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you lose blood from your vagina.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you lose a lot of weight.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you lose fluid from your vagina.
Immediately contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you have a lot of white vaginal discharge with a nasty smell.
Partner violence during pregnancy
Partner violence is any form of violence between 2 people in a relationship. Partner violence is forbidden by law.
Partner violence during pregnancy can cause health problems to both mother and foetus. The problems can be physical or psychological. For instance: stress, bleeding, high blood pressure, premature birth, low birth weight, miscarriage.
Ask your midwife, gynaecologist or general practitioner for help if you experience partner violence during pregnancy.
In an emergency, call 112.