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Contraceptive patch

The contraceptive patch is a method of contraception.

The contraceptive patch is a thin beige sticking-plaster. It contains the same 2 hormones as the contraceptive pill. These hormones prevent ovulation. They also make it more difficult for sperm cells to reach the mucous membrane of the cervix. The sperm cells will then have difficulties reaching the uterus, where the egg cell is located. The hormones also interfere with the implantation of an egg cell.

Contraceptive patch

How to use a contraceptive patch

Apply the patch as follows:

  • Tear the pouch open at the incision.
  • Open the packaging.
  • Peel the patch and its plastic wrapping away from the pouch.
  • Peel away half of the plastic wrapping. 
  • Apply the patch on your abdomen, buttock, back, shoulder-blade or on the outside of your upper arm, on dry, clean skin.
  • Apply the sticky surface of the patch to your skin and remove the rest of the plastic wrapping. Press the patch down firmly on top of the patch.
  • Wear the patch for 7 days (1 week). Remove the patch.
  • Apply a new one on the same day of the week (for example: Wednesday) in the 2nd and 3rd week;
  • In the 4th week you do not use a patch. This week, you will start to bleed (menstruation). You are also protected in this week.
  • After 7 days (1 week) you apply a new patch on the same day of the week (for example: Wednesday), even if you are still bleeding.
  • Repeat the previous steps.

Tear the pouch open at the incision.

Open the packaging.

Peel the patch and the plastic wrapping away from the pouch.

Peel away half of the plastic wrapping.

Apply the patch on your abdomen, buttock, back, shoulder-blade or on the outside of your upper arm, on dry, clean skin. Make sure you do not use any cream, oil, lotion, powder or make-up on or around the patch.

Apply the sticky surface of the patch to your skin and remove the rest of the plastic wrapping. Press the patch down firmly on your skin.

Wear the patch for 7 days (1 week). Remove the patch. Apply a new one in the 2nd and 3rd week. In the 4th week you do not use a patch. This week your menstrual period will start. After 7 days (1 week) apply a new patch, even if you are still bleeding.


The contraceptive patch is very reliable if used correctly. The patch is not reliable, or is less reliable, if:

  • You are taking certain medicines such as St John’s Wort. Tell your doctor you are using the contraceptive patch. He will take this into account when prescribing medicines.
  • You forget to apply the patch after the 7-day break, or if you forget to change it; Or if you forget to replace the patch;
  • You lose the patch and do not apply a new one within 24 hours (1 day).
  • You weigh more than 90 kilos.


You can shower, swim and exercise with the contraceptive patch.

You can shower, swim and exercise with the contraceptive patch.

No damage to your health

The contraceptive patch contains hormones. These hormones usually do not affect your health. However, in some cases it is better to choose a different method of contraception. Ask a doctor for advice.

The contraceptive patch does not make you less fertile. If you want to get pregnant, you just remove the patch.

During the first months of using the contraceptive patch, you may have side-effects such as tender breasts, headache, nausea or irritated skin. These effects usually disappear spontaneously. If they do not disappear, consult a doctor.

Your menstruation often becomes less heavy and less painful.

No protection against STIs and HIV

The contraceptive patch does not protect against STIs or HIV. Only a condom can protect you.


Buying the contraceptive patch

You need a prescription from a doctor, midwife or gynaecologist to buy the contraceptive patch. Without a prescription you cannot buy the contraceptive patch. You can buy the contraceptive patch in a pharmacy only.


What does it cost?

A box with 9 patches (for 3 months) costs about € 34 to € 38.

Until the age of 21, most forms of contraception are reimbursed by your health insurance. However, you first have to pay the excess (eigen risico) of your health insurance policy. Check with your health insurance provider to find out how much will be reimbursed. From the age of 21, contraception is only reimbursed if you have taken out additional insurance for contraception. 



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.