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Copper IUD

A copper IUD is a method of contraception.
A copper IUD is a plastic tube in a T-shape with copper thread.

It prevents pregnancy in 2 ways:

  • The copper stops the sperm cells from moving and thus prevents fertilization
  • The copper also prevents implantation of an egg cell.

Copper IUD

How does a copper IUD work?

A doctor, midwife or gynaecologist usually places the copper IUD into the woman’s uterus during the first 12 days of her cycle. It can be painful, so you may be offered painkillers.

The copper IUD works for 5 or 10 years. After that time it needs to be replaced.

When the IUD is inserted, 1 or 2 short threads are left outside of the uterus. They are deep in the vagina, where you can feel them. This means that you can always check that the IUD is still in place.

Detail of the woman’s pelvis: 1. copper IUD, 2. uterus, 3. vagina, 4. anus and 5. urinary meatus.

Woman standing. The focus is on the internal sexual organs.

Copper IUD placed in the uterus. 1 or 2 short threads are left outside the uterus. They are deep in the vagina.

Extremely reliable

A copper IUD is very reliable. 

Extremely reliable

No damage to your health

A copper IUD does not contain hormones.

A copper IUD does not make you less fertile. If you want to get pregnant, you just have the IUD removed.

Your menstruation can become a bit heavier and more painful.

No protection against STIs and HIV

A copper IUD does not protect against STIs or HIV. Only a condom can protect you.


Price of a copper IUD

A doctor or midwife can fit the copper IUD from about €47 to € 120. Depending on the brand, you have to go back to the doctor, gynaecologist or midwife after 5 to 10 years for a new copper IUD.

Until the age of 21, most forms of contraception are reimbursed by your health insurance. However, you first have to pay the excess (eigen risico) of your health insurance policy. Check with your health insurance provider to find out how much will be reimbursed. From the age of 21, contraception is only reimbursed if you have taken out additional insurance for contraception. 

What does it cost?



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.