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Sterilisation is a permanent method of contraception.

Sterilisation is an operation that makes fertilisation impossible. The sperm cells can no longer reach the egg cell.

Sterilisation does not affect your health or sexuality.

Both men and women can be sterilised.

Doctor performing sterilisation on a man

Sterilisation for men

After sterilisation the man still has ejaculations. He produces semen without sperm cells. He can have sexual intercourse as usual.

The doctor blocks the sperm ducts.

Sperm cells can no longer travel along the sperm ducts to the prostate and seminal vesicles, where the semen is produced.

Have your semen tested after 3 months. If your semen does not contain any sperm cells, you can stop using other methods of contraception.

Man standing. The focus is on the internal sexual organs.

Sterilisation for men: the sperm ducts are blocked.

Sterilisation for women

Sterilisation has no effect on the cycle, ovulation or menstrual period.

The doctor blocks the fallopian tubes.

Sperm cells can no longer reach the egg cell.

Woman standing. The focus is on the internal sexual organs.

Sterilisation for women: the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Sterilisation: the operation

For men, the operation is performed under local anaesthetic. For women, the operation is usually performed using surgery, under anaesthetic.

Sterilisation does not usually affect your sexual desire or sex life. Men and women can still have orgasms.

Sterilisation is a permanent method of contraception. Reversal of sterilisation is difficult and not always successful.

Extremely reliable

Sterilisation is very reliable. The risk of pregnancy is slightly greater when a woman is sterilised than when a man is sterilised. 

Extremely reliable

No protection against STIs and HIV

Sterilisation does not protect against STIs or HIV. Only a condom can protect you.


Price of sterilisation

Sterilisation for a man costs between € 300 and € 700.
Sterilisation for a woman costs more. It costs around € 1600.

Prices depend on:

  • whether you have local or general anaesthetic;
  • the materials used by the doctor;
  • whether or not you stay in a single room in the hospital.


What does it cost?

Sterilisation is not covered by the standard package of health insurance (basisverzekering); it is sometimes reimbursed if you have taken out additional health insurance. Check with your health insurance provider to find out how much is reimbursed.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.