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Getting pregnant at a young age

Very fertile

A woman is very fertile when she is young and has had an ovulation for the first time (first cycle). After her first ovulation, a woman is fertile about 6 days each month

Even when a woman has sex for the first time she can become pregnant.

More risks for mother and baby

If a woman is pregnant and aged under 20 years, she has a higher risk of having a difficult delivery.

The baby might risk:

  • Premature birth;
  • Low birth weight (higher risk of illness).

Life changes when having a baby

If you are still young and are thinking of having a child, be aware that:

  • You will have less time for school, work and hobbies;
  • Having a child is very expensive.
  • Your relationships with your partner, parents and friends will change. Your baby comes first.
  • You may need to look for another place to live.


You and your partner can decide how many children you want, and when. This is called family planning. You can do this by using contraception

Unintended pregnancy

If you are pregnant but did not plan to be, you have different options. You can ask your parents, family and friends for help. Do not feel ashamed. It can happen to anybody. You can also ask for professional help and advice.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.