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Partners in a relationship are not 2 identical persons. They are not the same, but have equal rights. This means that the boundaries and choices of each partner are respected.

A relationship often does not feel right when the limits of one of the partners are not respected.

Equal partners can help each partner to feel positive about himself or herself:

  • They do not use force against each other (they do not feel that they have more value than the other person);
  • They do not need the approval or opinion of the other about everything (they do not think they have less value than the other).

A couple talking as equals

Equal partners carry equal responsibility in a relationship. For example: they decide together whether they want to have children or not (family planning) and if or what kind of contraception they want to use.

Sometimes inequality can lead to partner violence or sexually abusive behaviour.

A woman and a man talking in bed about contraception



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.