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Some people have romantic and/or sexual feelings for people of the same sex. Both men and women can be homosexual. Men who feel attracted to other men are called homosexual or gay; women who feel attracted to other women are called homosexual or lesbian. Some people feel attracted to both men and women. They are called bisexuals.

2 men being intimate with each other

People can choose whether to call themselves homosexual, lesbian or bisexual. For instance, some men may have sex with men, but do not call themselves homosexual.

Why are people homosexual?

It is not known why people feel attracted to one sex or the other, or to both sexes. However, we do know that:

  • being homosexual is not a choice. It comes naturally.
  • homosexuality occurs in all countries and cultures. In Europe, discrimination against homosexuals is forbidden by law. It is forbidden by law to treat people differently and to exclude or place restrictions on people because of their homosexuality.

It is unclear whether homosexuality is hereditary. The role played by a person’s upbringing is also not precisely known.

Telling others that you are homosexual

Some people keep their feelings private, others tell their family and friends that they are homosexual or bisexual. Homosexual and bisexual people often need time to accept that they are attracted to people of the same sex.

You do not have to tell other people you are homosexual. If you believe it is not safe to tell others, then you do not have to. 

It can be a relief to tell other people. You do not have to hide any longer. First talk to people who you think will accept you as you are. Be aware that reactions at first will not always be positive.

Meeting others

There are specific organisations and meeting places where you can get to know other gay, lesbian of bisexual people. 

Homosexuality and the law

In Europe, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is forbidden by law. It is forbidden by law to treat people differently and to exclude or place restrictions on them because of a personal characteristic that is protected in law. Homosexuality or changing sex are protected characteristics. It is forbidden to discriminate against someone on these grounds in, for instance, job applications, at work, in education, and when renting a house.


People of the same sex can have a relationship. In the Netherlands, they can also marry or have a registered partnership.

2 men getting married in a town hall


In the Netherlands, 2 men or 2 women can together be parents of a child. They can adopt a child or co-parent together with others. Surrogacy is an option too.

Lesbian women with their children



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.