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Solving sexual problems

Talk with your partner about your sexual problem and about what you feel. Also talk about what you like and what you do not like in your sex life.

Pay attention to yourself and your partner. Find time to do something nice together.

Create an atmosphere of intimacy.

Try to have variety in your sex life.

Couple talking in bed.

Stimulate your own and your partner’s sexual desire:

  • Discuss with your partner how you can improve your sex life;
  • Talk about your sexual fantasies;
  • Look at erotic pictures or watch an erotic movie, or read an erotic story.

Make sure you and your partner are aroused enough when you have sex.

If you think you use pornography too much, try to control your behaviour, for example by:

  • limiting your daily internet use;
  • doing other activities to give you a pleasant feeling. For instance: sports or hobbies.

If you do not find a solution with your partner, or the problem persists, talk to a health professional.

A couple talking with a health professional.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.